Plan Concentrate Reflect
Plan Concentrate and Reflect
p. By living and doing things without deciding direction is blind, but always having to plan disturbs a good concentration. How can we archieve both?
p. For me it is good identify my needs and see some visions of general future direction. Then I identify initial several steps forward.
p. When actually conducting a task, I want to concentrate on the current moment and enjoy what I am doing. It brings nothing when I am worried about what my activities brings, or concerning if I can manage so forth. Thus at best, I forget anything else and concentrate on the task I am carrying out now.
p. It is often not the best idea to simply decide a direction and follow the path no matter what happened on the way. For this purpose, when I am finished with several tasks, I reflect on what I have done and if that brings me further.
p. With above points, I can
- see my general direction
- concentrate and enjoy every moment
- adjust my track